Amanda Todd was a young 15 year girl, who recently took her own life because of bullying. She was misused by more than one man, and hurt. She was bullied online and in school. Her family did the best and moved several times to help her start her life again. Several times she hurt herself and she just wanted someone to love her. I love you Amanda and I am very sorry that no one was there to stand up for or give you the confident you needed to keep going in this world.
(These photos do not belong to me)
I desperately want to hug her and let her know she is safe, but it is too late. Some many of us are in pain and suffering. This beautiful young girl, this child is gone forever from life. I pray with all my heart the God blesses her. Her story is one of pain, and she did not deserve to be hurt this way. No one does. This bullying maybe the next media news, but it is real life issue. I have experienced bullying and still have to heal many hurts. My heart and prayers go to her loving family. |
This has got to end. It must end forever. Let this be the last bullied child or person that takes their own precious life. Love heals, love heals please stop hurting other whoever you are.
I am sorry Amanda, So very sorry.
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